HTML is the first, simplest, most widely used and most important language for web design. Web pages contain information that contains text, images, video, audio, and more. This content is displayed to the user by three layers. The content layer is always there and contains the content that the web designer intends to display to the user. This content is embedded in HTML code between two <html> tags.
HTML is not a programming language, but a language for markup hypertext and is primarily used to structure information and separate the logical components of a text, such as titles, images, lists, paragraphs, and tables. On the other hand, HTML code should not be used as a language for page layout or drawing of web pages. This task is now the responsibility of other technologies such as CSS.
Learning the principles of coding is not a very complicated task, but familiarity and mastery of these rules and observing standard and correct principles in coding requires a lot of experience and work. In this series, we will review ten big mistakes in writing HTML code, the observance of which can have a great impact on the standardization of your HTML code and also have a positive effect on the SEO of your website.
The difference between a professional and amateur web designer and SEO is in observing the same principles and rules, ten of which are mentioned below.
Table of Contents
Do not use ul, ol lists where necessary
The ul, ol, li tags are made to list content and are very easy to use and will provide many capabilities to control the list with css. Using p, br, and any other HTML code other than the defined list tags is a mistake you should not make to create a list.
Use the s, strike tags to display deleted text
Newer versions use the del tag to indicate deleted text, and the ins tag to display imported text instead of deleted text together. So do not make mistakes and do not use strike and s.
In older versions of HTML, these two types of tags were used to indicate deleted words (Strikethrough) by creating a line on them. These types of tags have changed with the advent of newer versions of HTML. The strike and s tags previously used for this purpose will no longer be used and their use will be non-standard.
Do not use Heading tags
Be sure to know the importance of heading tags (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) in website design and website SEO. These tags are used to specify headings and titles for content published on the website according to their degree of importance.
Chapters created with tags other than Heading tags will not be recognizable in text browsers and will not be relevant to search engines.
Using other types of tags and using CSS to change the appearance of elements other than heading tags would be a big mistake to create a chapter.