Who is the Full Stack Developer? What does it do? What skills does he have? How is the market and income of full-stock developers in the world? Why should a web developer become a full stack designer and programmer?

You probably also have a person in your family or close friends whom everyone nicknamed the French key. It means that he is someone who knows more or less both electrical work and plumbing and masonry. In the world of programming and website design, there is a developer who is more or less nicknamed the French wrench. Of course, instead of a wrench, he is called a full stack developer.

In a world where programmers usually specialize in a specific field, a programmer and developer who has the necessary skills to work in several fields and can help and advice other members of the digital product design team (site); Chemistry. The full stack developer is alchemy for website design teams.

In this article, I want to introduce you to the full stack developer, his duties and skills, and give information about the market and its income in the world.

Who is the full stack developer?

In order to build a site and users and visitors can interact with it, two different parts must be designed and developed: front-end or client-side and back-end or server-side. The front end is the part of the site that the user sees. The server side is the part that the user does not see, but it makes the site’s performance possible. Different programming languages, frameworks and skills are used to develop front-end and back-end software. Therefore, the designer or developer of the site is either a front-end or back-end development specialist.

The front-end developer should at least be proficient in jQuery & HTML, CSS, JavaScript. For back-end development, since the first option is usually PHP and then ASP or Java or Python, the back-end programmer must be proficient in at least one of those languages. Famous frameworks that developers usually learn and use include the Bootstrap framework for front-end development and the Laravel framework for back-end development.

According to the introduction that was said, in simple language:

“A full-stack developer is someone who has the knowledge, ability, and skills necessary for programming and developing front and back-end sites.”

However, it should not be assumed that a full-stack developer needs all the skills of a server-side and client-side developer. Due to the complexity of each of those areas and new developments and technologies that enter the world of website design every day, one person cannot master everything. For this reason, a concept called full stack has been created.

What is Full Stack?

First, we should discuss the meaning of stack and full stack, and then talk about the duties and skills of a full stack designer. You probably have this question about what stack means. Stack in the word means a bunch or stack or grouping. But the stack has a special meaning in the world of programming. A stack is a software and a collection of components and tools that a developer uses to perform a specific task. So,

“Full stack refers to the set of software and technologies that are used to develop and build a platform, site or application.”

Different full stacks are defined for site development. Each of those full stacks is a combination of stacks that, if a programmer has mastered them, he can easily develop the front-end and back-end of a site by himself. It means that the full stack developer does not need to know everything to build the server side and client side of a site, it is enough to master one of the full stacks.

Next, I will introduce 3 famous stacks, one of which may be chosen to do a project:

  • LAMP stack: Linux operating system, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL for database management system and PHP programming language.
  • LEMP stack: Linux operating system, Nginx web server, MySQL for database management system and PHP programming language.
  • MEAN stack: MongoDB database, ExpressJS server-side framework, AngularJS user-side framework and Node.js server-side platform.

What are the duties of a full stack programmer?

The needs of businesses and the demands of users in today’s world are dynamic sites. Interactive and attractive sites that can be given and received information, that is, the site needs a database and constant and fast communication and exchange of information with it. On the other hand, the contribution of user experience design and user interface design in web design is increasing day by day. Website design and development is no longer just coding; the designer, full stack developer, should really design the site. A full stack developer must also have design thinking.

Therefore, the full-stack programmer has a different set of tasks and may even lead and guide the site design and development team:

  • Designing, developing and writing backend site codes (and everything related to the correct and fast operation of the server side, i.e. database, server and browser settings);
  • Designing and developing and writing site user codes with the help and cooperation of user interface designers and user experience designers;
  • Evaluating and checking the built site (front and back), finding problems and fixing them;
  • Ensuring the security, speed and efficiency of the site, as well as the satisfactory usability and user experience of the site;
  • Solving problems that arise during the design and development of the site or later in the performance of the site with the cooperation and consensus of other team members and programmers.

Of course, depending on what project (big or small) a full-stack developer is working on, their duties may be more or less. He may be one of the full stack developers of a very large project or the only programmer of a small project.

“In general, a full stack developer is responsible for designing and developing a site from A to Z or supervising its design and development and collaborating with other team members.”

What skills does a full stack web developer need?

The short answer is that a full stack web designer needs a variety of skills. As is clear from his list of tasks, a full stack developer doesn’t just have hard skills (full stacks), he needs soft skills as well. The most important and main hard and soft skills that a full stack developer should have are the following:

  • Mastering the HTML markup language, CSS and JavaScript languages for front-end development and one of the server-side languages (which is usually PHP),
  • Mastery of working with SQL & NoSQL databases as well as web servers (usually Apache web servers),
  • Mastery of working with version control systems such as Git or GitHub.
  • Mastering the design and construction of an API (Application Programming Interface) or software programming interface,
  • Mastery of working with at least one front-end development framework and one back-end development framework.
  • Getting to know the UI (principles of user interface design) of the site,
  • Design thinking and getting to know the principles of graphic design.
  • Mastering the necessary skills for project management and teamwork, including verbal communication, time management, and problem solving.
  • Creativity and attention to detail.

How is the market and income of full stack developers in the world?

Well, the good news is that a full-stack developer doesn’t have to worry about getting hired. If you search for a Full Stack Developer as a result, you will find 26,000 job opportunities in different countries of the world. Only on LinkedIn, more than 43 thousand American businesses and companies are looking for full-stack developers. The average annual salary of a full-stack programmer in the United States is approximately $109,000, in England it is 50,000 pounds, and in Germany it is 63,000 euros.

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