Bounce rate is one of the most important and influential factors in website SEO. Bounce rate is the number of users who visit your website and leave it without going to other pages of your site. This means that your site is not attractive enough for the user to stay on your site. The higher the bounce rate, the greater the negative impact on the site’s rank.

Why is it important to know the site bounce rate?

The bounce rate can be seen from Google Analytics, Alexa, etc. Knowing this rate has many benefits:

  • You can improve the content of pages that have a high bounce rate.
  • Find out if you need a site redesign?
  • You will find out which pages of your website are more attractive to users and which pages have been visited more by users.
  • You will find out which of your keywords are not contributing to site traffic.

What are the effective factors in site bounce rate?

Appropriate site content

When your site has good and quality content, the user will enjoy being there and spend more time on the site. Good content thus reduces the bounce rate of the site.

Site loading speed

If the loading speed of the site pages is high and the user does not have to wait for a long time for the site to load, the user will stay inside the site and will not leave the site halfway.

Internal links of the site

While reading an article on the site, the user may come across things that he does not have complete information about. If you place the links in the text properly on the page, the user will show the desire to read the new content and in this way the bounce rate of your site will decrease.

Easy to use site

If the user enters your site and encounters a problem in finding the content he wants, he will leave the site quickly. Therefore, easy-to-use site pages and easy access to all kinds of information are very important for the user and have an impact on the site’s bounce rate.

Matching keywords with site content

Matching keywords to site content is important because users expect to see content related to the words they searched for. If the desired content does not agree with the searched keyword, the user will leave the site immediately.

The appearance of the site

Even if the content of your site is useful and of high quality, but the graphics of your site are not so beautiful and user-friendly, the user will leave the site as soon as he enters the site and sees the bad appearance of the site, and it will increase the bounce rate of your site.

Responsiveness of the site

Today, many internet users visit websites through their mobile phones. Therefore, responsive website design is very important. Users will quickly leave a site that doesn’t display well on all screen types.


Improper or excessive use of advertisements on the site will cause users to leave the site quickly. It is true that websites need advertising on the site to earn money, but using too much advertising will annoy the site users and increase the bounce rate of the site.

The ideal bounce rate for a digital site is between ten and twenty percent. A bounce rate of thirty to forty percent is considered a normal rate for the site, and a bounce rate above fifty percent is worrying and alarming, and necessary efforts should be made to reduce this rate.

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