Google Freshness or “The Latest Results”, as its name implies, was a significant change in the ranking algorithm. The perch algorithm was based on another update called caffeine, released in June 2010.

When Google announced the algorithm change on November 3, 2011, approximately 35 % of all searches were influenced by the Front algorithm. That was enough to get the SEO experts’ attention to this algorithm and new update.

The name of the Freshness algorithm (newer results or the latest results) is derived directly from Google’s official blog notifications. This algorithm helps users to make more up-to-date content, but how is this? Join us to open the door for a newer Google algorithm to help your SEO and content guide.

What was Google’s goal to introduce the Freshness algorithm?

According to forecasts in 2017, more data is produced every year than before. The information that humans have access to is not comparable to decades. This trend has been going on for several years and will continue. For this reason, Google has been forced to try not only to access information but to access the latest information for its users.

The main purpose of this update is to emphasize the importance of the latest material. In some areas and subjects, the user tends to know the latest and latest news and information. Some of these areas in particular are the latest political, economic, cultural, sporting, artistic, or country-specific news; Different events; Life of artists and celebrities; Events that take place in different parts of the world and so on. Finally, the user knows that in today’s world, every new moment is happening that affects everyone’s life.

What is Google Freshness Algorithm?

As the name implies, the algorithm has come to find the latest content and content for users. It can be said that this algorithm loves up -to -date and up -to -date content. Updating content is a key criterion for Google display. Suppose a student intends to find and study sample questions from two years ago. If the contents of the sites are not up-to-date and have questions about many years ago, it is of no value for the user to open those sites. Because they don’t have what they want. This is exactly what the Freshness algorithm is looking for on a site: new content.

The Freshness algorithm helps users get the most up-to-date information.

Site Optimization Tactics for Freshness Algorithm

If your site has lost the rank for the Marcers algorithm, don’t worry. There is nothing to make up for it. Here are 5 solutions to optimize your site for this algorithm.

1) Review and update the existing content

Check your content performance year by year or even at specified time intervals. Identify pages/topics that previously led a large number of visits and rankings to the website and prioritize their updates.

You may notice that the content published at a specific time and history on the blog, news, and media sections has witnessed a significant change or decline. If so, include updating previous content by citing new sources, updating statistics, as well as adding more quotes and reflected terms in the field.

Put your priority on those articles that have high impressions and inputs and are ranked on the results page. Try to update these articles with new figures, quotes, images, and useful changes.

2) Share the content on social networks

Do not underestimate the power of social networks and the feedback you receive. The impact of social networks on the site’s SEO has been proven. Everything is not just content production. Rather, the content generated for Google and its users should be shared and played as much as it can.

Sharing content on social networks enables the user to interact directly and measure his reaction to the content and information provided. Another benefit is that the SEO expert gets easily from social networks to the site.

3) Change the time intervals on the site

If your site belongs to a particular field or industry or technology or reports news about a specific area, it is important to be very up-to-date and reflect new information or changes to your site immediately. That is, the Freshness algorithm asks you to publish new content on the site or blog every day and perhaps every hour.

Users of today’s world can attract information more than ever before. They want this. So if your site fails to give the user the latest and most up-to-date news and information in a specific area, he will no longer come to your site.

4) Take a flexible and inclusive approach to creating content

On your site, you just should not have one type of content. That is, all content should not be text. You need to produce a variety of content (video or podcast). You should also include this content in different sections and with different titles. Note that updating the site and its content does not necessarily mean adding to the number of landings.

You need to show Google and the Marcers algorithm that you know the latest information on your site’s topics and put them in a variety of formats in the shortest possible time.

  5) Add evergreen content to the site content set

Evergreen content is deeper content that is more durable in testing. This content may take months and years for your site. This is content that usually does not want to update. Production of evergreen content requires more budget and time. But you have to look at it as an investment. Because contents are very important for the user and the guilt.

Typically the evergreen content reflects one of the following:

  • Very complete research on a specified subject;
  • Unique and special insights on the subject matter;
  • Practical and practical supply of research results;
  • The content of multiple thousand words and very comprehensive;
  • Content that includes all types of content (text, video, sound, infographic, etc.).

How successful was the Freshness algorithm update?

The Freshness algorithm has not been addressed in many specialized SEO conversations. Because it is often overshadowed by other algorithms such as penguins, pandas, Hummingbirds, Mobile First, Ranking, and more. But one should not think that this algorithm was not successful.

If the football game is on the field and you only search for the teams, you will find that the sites that have the following results will be shown to you:

  • Last result
  • The latest information about the events in the playground
  • Players on the pitch and those who got the card or were injured
  • The number of errors

These useful and variable results (which may change minute by minute) have indicated the practical benefits of this update for our search experience. It is as if you watch the football game and don’t miss anything.

Faculty of Freshness algorithm and beliefs

The most important misconception about this algorithm is that it does not work important. It calls for sites to come and add a few photos, a few figures, and a few paragraphs if they have boring content or content that no one has. Just that, but that’s not true.

For example, think that you are a researcher who is researching climate change. For you, storms come from different parts of the world, and damage and damage are important. So part of your research on news sites or content is on the subject of these natural disasters. When you search, Google and the Freshness algorithm show you the latest news and information about it.

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