Designing a website to introduce a company’s products, an online store or even a simple personal site can be a challenging and even tedious process. One of the factors that usually leads to designing a failed and inappropriate site , is not familiar with the things that must be done by you before starting to design the site. As a web design applicant, you need to have enough information about your requirements and do things before contacting the design company. In this case, the probability that the website designed for your purposes is efficient and useful is much higher.

Here are 10 things you should do before designing a website:

Check what kind of website you want

In the first step, check what kind of website you want to design for you. Different websites have different features and this issue affects the final price of the site design as well as the efficiency of the site. Websites are usually divided into several types.

Company(Corporate) websites

Corporate website design is one of the types of site design that has the most applicants. Corporate sites are actually sites that introduce the services or products of a company or collection, and besides, they can also provide sections of articles and news of the company and collection If your goal in designing a site is to introduce the services or products of a company, institution or organization, and you also want to share news and information related to the company with your audience, this type of website can be an option. It is appropriate that some types of company sites can be categorized as follows:

  • Organizational sites
  • Medical sites
  • Industrial sites
  • And…

E-Commerce websites

E-Commerce(Store) website design is done in order to sell a product or even a service. A store site can have an online payment gateway or it can sell the introduced goods or services offline. The difference between designing a store site and a corporate site is that store sites have more features and complexities. In addition to the features of the corporate site, a store site has a shopping cart, the ability to compare products, filter between different products and various other features that increase the cost and time required to design it.

Specialized websites

Specialized website design is the next category that forms a wide range of sites. Specialized web sites are usually designed for a specific business or for a specific purpose. The design of these sites should be such that it considers the most important goals requested and meets all related needs. Some types of specialized websites can be placed in the following categories:

  • Designing airline websites
  • Design of advertising sites
  • Designing job search sites
  • Designing real estate sites
  • Design of virtual education sites
  • Design file download sites
  • Design forums
  • And…

There is no complete list for specialized sites. In fact, any idea can be the beginning of designing a specialized site.

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