The crumb board is one of the very important components of any site. We need the crumb boards in the website design. They play a very important role in the SEO of the site and are also useful for improving the user experience. In the following article, information about the crumb board is presented in detail.

What is Bradcrumb?

Breadcrumbs show the path we have taken, they are a guide and are used to find the path and show the user where he is on the site. They also help search engines like Google understand the structure of your site.

The meaning of Bread crumb is small bread, which is composed of two words Bread meaning bread, and crumb meaning small. Bread crumb is a short text with links, bread crumb words can be clicked and start from the home page.

The philosophy of Brad Crumb comes from this, in an old fairy tale, Hansel and Gretel were brothers and sisters who lost their way home and were able to find their home with the help of breadcrumbs. It shows the path they took to get here.

Crumb boards are used in operating systems, blogs, websites, and software programs. Crumb boards use > to show where we are on the site. Crumb boards are placed at the top or bottom of the page. They are very efficient in-store sites that have 3 or 4 categories, such as the Amazon site, which includes many breadcrumbs. Breadcrumbs also appear in Google results and show the structure of your site to users.

Types of board crumbs


It tells the user where he is on the site and how he can return to the main page. They are mostly located at the top of the page. For example: Home > Resources > SEO Guide


Usually, in e-commerce sites, the features that the user has clicked on are displayed, when buying a TV, they are displayed based on the brand, size, and other characteristics. Such as: Home > Product category > Color > Size > Shape

Based on history

It is like the history of your browser, it shows the pages you have browsed before, and it shows what path the user has taken. Such as:

Home > SEO article 1 > SEO article 2 > Current page

How to run a crumb board

The implementation of the crumb board on your site includes various variables such as the type of your site, your site’s content management system (CMS), the type of your crumb board

Depending on your website, adding Breadcrumbs is as easy as installing a widget or plugin to your site. However, at other times, it can take hours of work from a development team to design and set up the right structure for your website.

There are several ways to add breadcrumbs to your site. First, if you are using WordPress, you can use the WordPress Breadcrumb plugin and Yoast SEO plugin. Some plugins add breadcrumbs in several steps, such as Breadcrumbs NavXT, which you can customize.

If you have an e-commerce site that uses WooCommerce, you can use the WooCommerce Breadcrumb plugin. It is also possible that your WordPress site or WordPress template has the Breadcrumb feature, for example, some WordPress Breadcrumb plugins such as ocean wp have a breadcrumb option if from another CMS. Using the process will be different.

You can also add them to your code by hand. If you want them to appear in Google results, you need to use structured data in a way that Google understands.

Yoast SEO’s Bradcrimb WordPress plugin provides an easy way to add Bradcrimb to your WordPress site. It will add everything necessary not only to add them to your site but also to prepare them for Google.

After adding the code, you can go to Yoast SEO advanced settings and turn on breadcrumb support. You can also control how they are structured and use prefixes

You can find the settings for breadcrumbs in SEO > Search Appearance > Breadcrumbs.

Advantages of using crumb board in user experience

1) Google loves them

Your visitors love breadcrumbs, but so does Google showing breadcrumbs in their results. Breadcrumbs provide Google with another way to understand how your website is structured, but Google may also use them in actual search results, making your results more attractive to users. To improve Your Site’s SEO to increase your chances of ranking in Google, you need to add structured data like Yoast SEO.

2) They enhance the user experience

Since people don’t like to get lost when they go to a new place, they look for signs and guides to find their way, and this also applies to websites. You need to keep visitors happy and reduce friction as much as possible. Breadcrumbs can help your user experience because they are a common interface element that immediately shows people the way out.

3) They lower the bounce rate

Hardly anyone lands on the site through the homepage, it’s all about organic search. This means that any part of your site can be an entry point. If the selected page does not meet their needs, you need to find a way to direct these visitors to other parts of your site. Breadcrumbs can reduce bounce rates because you offer visitors an alternative way to browse your site. Don’t you think a visitor should return to your home page and then go back to Google?

What is the impact of breadcrumbs on-site SEO?

They direct keywords to specific pages. This helps search engines understand how different pages are related to each other.

They improve your site’s internal link structure.

You can be used to describe the crumb board, this will make the search engine bots understand that they are looking for a crumb board. Therefore, the crumb board has a chance to appear in the SERPs to facilitate more users.

How is the crumb board optimized for SEO and what points should we follow to create it?

1) Use the keyword that is related to the article for breadcrumbs, this will improve your site’s SEO.

2) A slightly smaller font is fine, but the very small text is hard to see and difficult to click on mobile devices, so the font should be easy to click.

3) Put them at the top of the page, or just above the H1 heading, so they’re easy to find.

4) Do not replace breadcrumbs with navigation. They act as a supplement, not a replacement for other navigation features. It should not replace menus and sidebars. Your breadcrumbs are your secondary navigation. They should never replace the main navigation.

5) Use the right type of breadcrumb. Breadcrumbs are the most common type, but they may not be the best choice for your site. If your site has a nested structure where most pages are placed in several categories, use breadcrumbs. Don’t. In that case, a date-based breadcrumb might be more useful.

6) If you use them on one page, use them throughout the website.

7) Start from your home page and move down step by step to the current page. Link to the current page. Be the current page.

8) Use breadcrumbs at the top of your web page.

9) Do not use board crumb in your page title.

10) According to your audience, determine the location of the breadcrumbs, for example, the Amazon site has placed the guide path at the bottom of the page because its audience is experts.

11) Try to make sure that the page of the user’s presence in the crumb board is clear, and that this page does not have a link, because by clicking on it, the user does not go to a new page, and this is not interesting for the user.

12) The signs > and / are usually used in breadcrumbs, use them according to the design of the site and the type of breadcrumbs.

13) The design of the breadcrumb should not be such that it causes excessive attention from the user.

When do we need a crumb board?

On sites that have many categories for different topics, such as store sites that have a hierarchical structure, use board crumb because they classify the content of our site, but on single-level sites that are not hierarchical, you do not need to use board crumb Also, according to the architecture of the site, you will find out whether this site needs a crumb board or not.


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