We enter a website or find a certain dress on a Telegram channel. If the answer is sent to us as soon as we are online, how likely is it that we will buy from the same site or channel? How much does our level of satisfaction with that online store increase because of the quick answer to our question?

This is exactly the use of chatbots. Chatbot is one of the smallest tools made using artificial intelligence. The use of chatbots actually guarantees a quick and correct answer to users who ask you (business) a question to get their answer. Now it doesn’t matter if it is a website or a Telegram or WhatsApp channel. In this article, we will review chatbots in marketing and introduce the best chatbot for the site. Stay with us.

What is the use of chatbots in marketing?

When we see the published numbers about users who tend to message businesses, then we realize the importance and use of chatbots in business; For example, 69% of those who sent messages to store sites preferred chatbots to human support.

The most important feature of the Internet is buying or providing services without time and place restrictions. If the internet business can’t use such a feature, I think it’s a bad idea.

Now chatbots provide the possibility for the business to be ready at any moment and time in the process of converting a visitor or interested person into a buyer.

When the user sends a message, an accurate and correct answer is sent to him immediately. If the user wants to check a specific product or obtain specific information about that product at any hour of the day, send a message in the chatbot section of the site or application. Chatbot makes it possible to give a proper and accurate answer to the user in the shortest possible time.

In addition to optimizing communication with the user that was mentioned, chatbots also reduce the system’s need for manpower, errors in conversation, human disturbances, etc.

How do chatbots work?

One of the most important things we need to know about the future of businesses is that the world of artificial intelligence is taking over all aspects of creating digital products. Artificial intelligence or AI helps businesses to automate all parts of work that require the presence of human resources. Sometimes this mechanization with the help of rules that the programmers set for the robot is no longer artificial intelligence. But there are also robots that operate with artificial intelligence, that is, without the need for programming, only with the command that is defined for them.

What are the best chatbots for the site?

1. HubSpot Chatbot

HubSpot has a powerful and successful chatbot that allows you to monitor chats live. With this chatbot, customers can receive frequently asked questions set for the system or ask their own questions by moving through the site.

The distinctive feature of the Hubspot chat bot is that the bot is coordinated with the customer relationship management system (CRM). In fact, HubSpot’s chat bot doesn’t work much with artificial intelligence, but it allows you to develop it. With Hotspot Chatbot, you can set up the bot’s automatic response system with saved questions.

2. Intercom chat bot

Intercom has been able to develop an accurate and powerful chat bot that provides services such as live chat, automated chat, and activity on messenger or social networks.

Using machine learning and information review, the Intercom chat bot can answer about 33% of questions in a personalized way.

3. Watson Assistant chat bot

If you are looking for an artificial intelligence-based chat bot from a reliable and powerful brand, the best offer is Watson Assistant. This chat bot is a product of the leading company in the field of artificial intelligence, IBM.

Watson Assistant must be trained by you with a specific database before you can start working with it. This bot can see the history of your reports, encourage the addressees to ask more detailed questions, or give a suitable answer to the user by checking the history. One of the features of Watson Assistant is that, just like an operator, it also has the ability to refer customers to human operators.

Watson Assistant is activated on your brand’s website, messengers, social networks or application and provides integrated and accurate answers to the audience with a specific database.

This chatbot also has a platform for editing the conversation, which also eliminates your need for coding.

4. Drift chat bot

Drift offers a conversational marketing and sales platform that works based on predefined rules and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) artificial intelligence. The artificial intelligence of this chatbot is trained on the basis of 6 billion conversations to direct the user to the desired sales channel with persuasive conversations.

It means that the machine learning process of this system has already been done and it is ready to work after installation.

5. Appy Pie chatbot

Appy Pie is a platform for developing and building chatbots. In fact, by using Appy Pie you are learning how to fish rather than catching fish yourself. This very user-friendly platform is designed so that you don’t even need to know programming to develop a suitable chatbot for your business.

The feature of chatbots developed with Appy Pie is that they can be activated on any platform. From social networks and messengers to the website. The chatbots of this platform are very scalable and changeable. In my opinion, Appy Pie has the same functionality as WordPress, with the difference that the output of WordPress is a website and Appy Pie is a chatbot.

6. Mindsay Plftram

The main advantage of Mindsay is that you can create a chatbot very quickly with very little programming and many tools provided by the platform itself. In fact, the chatbots developed with this program are ready faster than you think, and provide you with minimal services to communicate with the user.

For more services, you should expand the platform and of course carefully develop the chatbot.

7. Bold360 Chatbot

We can safely say that Bold360 chatbot is one of the best available options, especially with artificial intelligence-based functionality. Bold360 understands the meaning of the user’s message without the need to match the messages with specific keywords and answers his messages in a natural way.

One of the features of the Bold360 chatbot is the ability to personalize the bot, that is, you can define expressions, words, personality traits, etc. for him to respond to the user based on it.

With the Bold360 bot, the user can buy while sending a message and does not need to open the purchase process on the product page.

This bot is activated on messengers, applications, and the site, and with integrated responses, it creates a stable personality for your brand.

8. Zendesk Chatbot

Zendesk has introduced its chat bot as one of the Zendesk chat service products. This chat bot, which works mostly with artificial intelligence, has technologies such as Answer Bot and Flow Builder.

By configuring the database, the Zendesk robot sends users’ responses completely automatically without the need for programming.

9. Salesforce Einstein bot

Salesforce Einstein is actually a technology based on artificial intelligence and machine learning that uses them to enhance its services in the field of cloud processing and chat bots.

Salesforce prepares and provides the best quality conversation services with the user using its conversational intelligence. If you intend to use this chat bot, you can count on predicting the user’s conversation and checking the information taken from them.

What are the benefits of chatbots?

Chatbots ushered in the world of marketing automation. Now it doesn’t matter if it is artificial intelligence or self-made programming and rules. This issue has several distinct features that I will mention below.

Less cost in support services

One of the tangible features of using a chatbot is the mechanization of the support process and the reduction of related costs. In other words, support automation reduces the need for support staff.

Detailed information review

When you have an accurate platform for reviewing your customer messages, you can better and more accurately find product problems or ways to improve it. In fact, in addition to fast and accurate communication, the chat bot provides you with the possibility to record and then analyze the information.

24-hour response

As mentioned, the main feature of the Internet is the lack of limitations in time and place. The chat bot makes it possible for your users to take action and receive the right answer at any moment to communicate with your product. This can become one of your most important strengths, especially compared to competing platforms.


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