Increasing website traffic is the main goal of many website owners, especially store websites. But it is more important to increase this traffic organically. Because organic search accounts for an average of 51% of all web traffic and 40% of revenue. Furthermore, a website that ranks first in search engine rankings can attract an average of 30% of traffic. We can say that this rate is very high because user behavior occurs instinctively.

When you rank in the top 3 or 0 positions for a specific keyword, you will see an increase in traffic to your blog or website. Therefore, it is important to be on the first page for your target keywords. Let’s study the important points of increasing Google traffic organically.

Produce quality content

Thanks to some research, it has been found that high-quality content gets more feedback. Creating content at this level will help you rank better. This will make it easier for you to increase your website traffic. In this regard, we must explain the concept of content quality and its length. Just because the content is long doesn’t mean it’s high quality, Google says. So don’t try to write long content just for the sake of increasing the number of words. To achieve high quality, share with people the smallest details of the topic you are talking about. We understand that creating long-form content is difficult. But you should not give up the quality and focus only on quantity.

We recommend that you write the content of your website in a way that does not tire the reader and improve its quality with additions such as images and videos. You can target multiple related search terms within the same content. In addition, you can review your old content and edit it with better quality and detail. This is an important issue to increase website traffic. Higher-quality content improves the overall quality of your site.

Do not forget to improve the architecture of the site to increase Google input!

Site architecture is one of the issues that affects users’ behavior. A proper site architecture guides your visitors. Technically, it is also an important topic for search engines. If your site architecture is confusing, search engines won’t know which pages are most important to your website. At the same time, users leave the site when they cannot find the information they need. This sends negative signals to search engines and lowers your ranking.

The advantage of having a good site architecture is that it increases traffic by placing your website higher in the results. This will have a positive impact on the user experience as organic visitors will not immediately leave your website or blog and leave a negative impression.

Tips for improving site architecture

If you want to have a good site architecture, everything from static pages to categories and content must be in a certain order. Let us share some basic points about this:

  • Sites should be organized into meaningful categories and subcategories.
  • You need to make sure that your menu structure matches this hierarchical situation.
  • Add a sitemap. The XML file extension tells search engines what are the most important pages on your website that you want to appear in site links. You can add a sitemap through Google Search Console.

Increasing site visits with the help of SEO

Be sure to research SEO and related keywords. These query-based words will lead you to the target user. If you satisfy a user need who knows what they’re looking for, there’s a good chance they’ll be among your returning website visitors. Be sure to research and act on this when optimizing products on e-commerce sites, especially blogs.

To increase Google traffic, choose a suitable title

The title used in your content should have a motivational and encouraging nature, which we call CTA. This title is the reason why users enter your website. Because this is the first thing that catches their attention about this content before entering your site.

Make your statement effective

The second important point that attracts users’ attention after the title is the description text in search engines. Most website owners either leave this section blank or write things that are not related to the content. This is a big mistake. The description section contains important data for search engines as well as organic visitors. Google transfers your content from this section to its customers. So, if you can’t provide a good experience for Google’s customers in both the title and description areas, it will send customers elsewhere.

Pay attention to the videos

Having a video on your website or content pages will help you get traffic from specific video searches. Videos are effective in search performance. Especially with video content becoming more popular in recent years, having a video in your content will increase views and traffic. You can also share these videos that you add to your YouTube channel content and link to your article, thus creating an additional source of increased website traffic. to do. In principle, it is better to participate in an online SEO training course.

Use ads to increase site traffic on Google.

To increase site traffic, consider advertising that promotes your content. The best option for this is social media platforms. For example, on Facebook, you can show your content to your target audience with boosted post ads. This has two benefits. First, since the user who comes to your site is interested in the content, they often spend a lot of time on it. Secondly, if your content is liked, it can be recommended by the user. Therefore, producing the content that will be talked about is placed in the word-of-mouth marketing chain.

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