What are the types of content production methods? What are the best content creation techniques in SEO? How does content production affect SEO? Why is content production important? What is the most important principle of basic and preliminary SEO? Why content is the king of SEO?

If you are new to SEO and want to get to know the most important content production models in less than a few minutes, which have the greatest impact on the basic and preliminary SEO of the site and ranking in Google, this article will be very useful for you.

In the optimization of sites, special attention has always been paid to the production content, and for this reason, content writing is more important than any other item to attract the audience. In this educational article, I am trying to talk about the most effective content types and formats to create a strong SEO and popular site, and I am talking to those people who are looking for content production strategies or produce commercial content. If you need to know how to choose and use the best writing methods to achieve better results, you have come to the right place.

Why content is the king of SEO?

In 1996, Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) used the phrase that “content is king”. Since then, many people have realized the overuse of content and seen its impact on their business lives. Content in any form and model (text, video, image, etc.) is considered the best way to introduce the brand and credibility of the site.

Content production methods

How familiar are you with the types of content production methods? Of course, many techniques have been presented for SEO, but to collect the following results, Raya Marketing specialists have analyzed hundreds of search results and checked the contents of high-ranking sites for many weeks, to find the most unique and important models (which have the best rankings) among all methods, choose and present to you. Below are the best SEO content creation techniques:

1. Blog posts

Try to produce blog posts related to your business and constantly update (republish) blog content. Creating content that has an idea and is different from other created content will be very effective in site SEO. In addition, updating pre-written content sends the message to Google that your content is still valuable and that you value your users. Don’t neglect to edit and update your content.

2. Writing content and short content

Writing content and short content helps to keep the reader on your site and prevents fatigue or unwillingness to read the content. Content that is well written is more attractive to the reader and Google will understand the readers’ interest in that text.

3. Writing long articles

Write long articles according to the need and necessity of the title and try to make the content interesting enough to make the reader eager to continue reading. According to the research done on the Google search page, between content with equal themes, a site that is longer and more comprehensive (2000 to 2500 words) will be ranked higher. But note that this content should be attractive enough to encourage the reader to read the entire article.

4. Visual tools

The use of photos and visual tools related to the content has a great impact and its use has been seen in almost all high-ranking sites. The presence of visual content, in addition to increasing content absorption, shows the value you have placed on that content.

5. Paragraphing

Paragraphize the content of an article and provide lists with separate titles to the user. Try to make each of the titles contain very rich information. In this way, in addition to increasing the readability of the content you write, you have created a template or road map for it.

6. Search box

Use the “search box” on the first page of your site. This box will help to increase the efficiency of your site.

7. Classification of topics

Categorize the topics of the site so that readers can visit other pages to find the content they want. In this way, Google can more easily recognize the topic of your site and place your site in that topic on the first pages of its search.

8. Instruction manual

When you have prepared an article, to complete your content, put a file as a guide or instruction manual for download. The existence of this file shows your value to your audience. In addition to engaging the audience more time with your site.

9. Use of visual information

Use data or visual information such as charts, tables, etc. This action causes the reader to get involved with those charts to reach his desired result and find the answer to his question easily. In this way, you make it unnecessary to go to other sites.

10. Use video

Preparing videos or translating videos related to the topic of your site and your content helps a lot in increasing the retention rate of the site’s audience.

Of course, there is also the eleventh case, which is the use of PowerPoint, PDF, and similar formats on sites, but why have we not recommended this case in the options? Because it is difficult to use these formats on mobile, it takes a long time to open and it is not liked by users, but if you see that a site has reached a good rank using this option, be sure that the simple reason is It is the same as the ten points mentioned above.

Finally, we suggest that you pay close attention to the application of these ten tips to optimize your site and use them as a very effective tool for SEO and commercialization of your business so that you can navigate the competitive online market more easily.

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