In the initial interview session, we must observe certain etiquettes and prepare ourselves to present and ask targeted questions, and most importantly, do not talk about rights in any way. (Unless the employer himself asks us about this.)

After being accepted in the initial interview, the employer will invite you to another meeting to discuss the details of the job, financial issues, and the contract.

This meeting is very important as one of the milestones of your professional life, and it is important to set up a good contract (not only in financial terms), get to know intellectual rights, benefits, job flexibility, and your duties towards the employer and vice versa. … Will guarantee a smooth and smooth working period for you and the organization you are in.

In this article, which will be presented to you from the series of soft skills training articles, I intend to discuss important topics such as: employment contract, familiarity with the important provisions, points that should be considered before writing the contract, and termination points. , the rights and duties of the worker and the employer towards each other, negotiating the demands (financial and non-financial) and… So that you, as an expert, can conduct your work meeting in the best way and have a safe margin during your working time. Maintain and thereby increase your productivity and ultimately the collection just like a win-win game.

What is a work contract?

An employment contract is a dynamic document that is drawn up in writing between the two parties (employer and worker) and basically states that the worker will receive a certain salary from the employer for a specific period of time and performing a specific task on a specific date. In addition, it will also benefit from benefits.

Note: Contrary to popular belief, the term “worker” in official contracts does not mean a person who is hired for technical skills, etc., but a website programmer, an author, and even a secretary. Who can be a natural or legal person, receives salary.

Types of employment contracts

Permanent employment contract: the best type of contract for the worker, which does not have a fixed period of time to end. Therefore, with the increase of working years, his pension and insurance will increase accordingly, and after a certain period of time, the worker will retire and benefit from the benefits of the pensioners’ fund.

Temporary work contract: Depending on the type of work, group capacity, organizational policies, etc., this type of contract will be concluded for a certain period of time. Of course, it should be noted that this type of contract can be extended and many companies extend it after the end of the contract if the employee is qualified.

Definite work contract: This type of contract will be concluded between the parties in exchange for doing certain work, and its time may vary from a few weeks to even more than a year.

Important point: In temporary and definite contracts, none of the parties alone has the right to terminate the contract.

Items that must be mentioned in the text of the contract

  • Identification of the parties to the contract
  • Date of employment and start of contract
  • contract type
  • Contract validity period
  • place of work
  • The amount of salary, years, bonus and conditions and method of payment
  • The amount of leave and vacation
  • Mention the rules of the company
  • Insurance
  • Worker’s microtasks
  • Detailed duties of the employer towards the worker

The points that must be observed before writing

  • Contract termination tips
  • Disability of the worker
  • Resignation of the worker
  • Leaving work and unjustified absence
  • Dismissal due to negligence
  • Contract guarantees

Rights and duties of worker and employer towards each other

A worker or an employee, apart from the set of duties that he has to perform and receive a certain salary in return, must observe the following things in relation to the work and the employer:

  • Trusteeship of the company’s facilities
  • Implementation of assigned tasks
  • Compliance with disciplinary rules (according to the organization’s policies)
  • Order in the time of entering and leaving the company
  • Regular attendance at meetings
  • Adherence to the provisions of the contract

On the other hand, the employer should also be aware of his duties towards his employees and does not take steps to perform them properly:

  • Full and timely payment of salaries
  • Payment of annuities
  • Insurance
  • Payment of arrears
  • Providing a certificate of completion of work
  • Ensuring the security and safety of the worker or employee
  • Providing tools and facilities to do the work
  • Avoiding exploitation of workers

A work contract should be prepared in several copies

According to Article 10 of the Labor Law; the contract must be prepared in 4 copies. And its copies should be placed between the employer, the worker, the workplace administration and also the Islamic Labor Council or its representative.

Note: Many organizations and companies are satisfied with two or at most three copies of the contract, although this is against the law, but it is customary.

Talk about rights in business meetings

One of the most important topics that is usually discussed in the final review meeting and the conclusion of the contract between the employer and the employee is the discussion about salaries.

Although it is difficult to discuss about salary, especially if you need that job, but you should know that fear of negotiation and talking about salary is your duty and right.

Before negotiating for salary, keep the following in mind:

  • Salary range that similar companies offer for this job position. (Just do a simple search on Google.)
  • Talk to friends who work in the same job position as you.
  • Be prepared to reject numbers below the standard level.
  • Talk about your accomplishments, abilities, and the added value you can bring to the collection.
  • Be kind, caring, but not intrusive.
  • Be polite under all circumstances.

According to the research conducted, 37% of job seekers negotiate for their salaries, 44% did not talk about salary increase at all, and 18% of job seekers do not agree to negotiate for salaries.

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