The art of expression is important in organizing elements such as character, staging, influence, etc. Despite the importance of speaking and soft skills, being fluent is one of the most difficult skills a person can acquire.

In this article, we discuss some points in the field of speaking fluently and eloquently.

1. Draw the words

Maybe this sentence seems like a slogan and only theoretical and is not tangible for many people. But the truth is that the best way to convey the original meaning of the word is to depict it like a sequence from a movie. This does not mean that you should express your entire content in an exaggerated way; Rather, the goal is to attract the audience’s attention and make it more enjoyable to read or listen to your content.

A good speaker, using this method, engraves the words in the mind of his audience.

One of the ways to portray the content is to use dialogue or conversation. Many of the contents of a writing or speech can be illustrated by imaginary characters and conversations between them. But this technique has a drawback. If you want to express most of your content in the form of dialogue, you should use sometimes long and unique dialogues. Writing an attractive dialogue is an art in itself, which will take time to learn.

In this method, sometimes you may need to personalize. In this case, we suggest that you put yourself in the place of the hypothetical character and speak from inside him.

2. Remove extra words

We have a rather scary offer for you. Open the most recent text of your speech. Start with the first sentence. Delete the first word and read the sentence. Does it still make sense and carry the original meaning? If so, delete it.

This is probably one of the most boring steps. Of course, this does not mean that you check all the words one by one; But you should be careful that using repetitive and useless words just wastes your time and is also out of the interest of your audience. As a result, instead of using such words, try to use more effective words that most listeners or readers of your content remember.

3. Follow the grammar rules

Compliance with grammatical rules is a complex and detailed issue. But in order to have a clear expression, you must follow the language signs and grammatical rules in the construction and combination of words. Be careful not to change the tense of the verb suddenly in the middle of the sentence.

4. State the important things first

Audiences are always looking for reasons to listen to you. Try to attract their attention by stating important and attractive content at the beginning of the work and expand the content after they become interested in the topic. This method helps the audience to understand the main direction of your words and focus more.

5. Choose your words wisely

Articulation does not mean using heavy words that are rarely used in everyday life. Rather, you should try to choose words wisely. Always look for new words and learn them. But do not necessarily use all of them.

6. Control your speed and say the words clearly

If you have prepared the best speech text following all the basic rules, but you cannot present it correctly, you will not be successful. The clarity of words is very important. Try not to say the words so fast that it is difficult to understand, and not so slowly that it slows down the speech and makes the audience bored.

7. Prepare the text of the speech in advance

Prepare a complete and basic text of the content you intend to present. After reviewing it several times, write down the headlines and key sentences as keywords and without memorizing the original text, review the speech with the help of keywords. Strictly avoid memorizing and presenting memorized text. Because listening to an artificial speech will not be attractive to the audience.

8. Read as much as you can

Studying in line with the topic of the lecture will increase your knowledge in that field. When you are completely fluent in a topic, you will unconsciously speak with more confidence and less stress. This issue will have a direct impact on the fluency of your speech.

On the other hand, in a speech, you may face various questions from your audience. You will not be able to answer many questions without having enough study and receiving complete information.

Knowing these points and practicing and repeating them will help you to have a clear expression.

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