A challenge and a difference of opinion has been created between the owners of online stores, each of them trying to find a suitable answer for it; “Is social media marketing better or email marketing?” If you are also looking for an answer to this question, we must say, there is no definite answer for it.

Both media have their own purpose in store advertising and product sales, and time should be spent for both. In other words, it can be said that in order to produce content in both of these media, you must spend enough time and attention, and the impact of none of them in the sales process can be ignored. Now you might think, creating content for any advertising branch is very expensive and time-consuming; but the nature of email marketing is such that in many cases we do not need to produce an independent content in the form of email. With just a little creativity, we can use content produced for other social networks and media in our email marketing statement.

Overlapping email marketing with social media marketing

One of the advantages of email marketing is its unique overlap with social networks; In fact, if you know how to work with these two tools, you can use them as very practical supplements in marketing. By using the posts you publish on social networks, you will find out which content is received by a wide range of audiences. You can also reach a whole world of new customers, get feedback on your products, and receive valuable user-generated content.

On the other hand, through email, you can communicate with the customer on the way, in the process of the customer’s journey. Email helps you to convert subscribers into customers and customers who are satisfied with your brand become permanent customers. Finally, regular customers will become the best promoters of your products and services. One of the most important advantages of email compared to social networks is that email is a more reliable way to receive messages from customers. In social networks, your posts and messages may fall victim to the platform’s hidden and negative algorithms.

We all know that social networks are much more noticed by the audience than email, on the other hand, email marketing has a special place all over the world and as we said, it is a safe method. Having said that, it seems that creating content and spending time and money for both marketing methods is very difficult. Don’t worry, in this article we will introduce you to 7 very effective ways to reuse your social network posts in email marketing.

Determine what types of product photos are trending through social media.

In email marketing, your goal is to sell; so you will need the best photos of your products in this process. Remember that great photos of a product are the main aspect of persuading the audience to buy.

Use your social media accounts to see what kind of photos get the attention of your audience. We know that the main characteristic of social networks is the sharing of high-quality photos that are liked by the audience. Therefore, choose the images that have shown the best performance in social networks and be sure to use them in email marketing.

Review your best posts on social media.

Various tools for analyzing posts in social networks allow you to know which posts have the most views and appeal to the audience. This, in turn, allows you to understand what kind of content appeals to your audience and brings the best results for your business.


This engaging content is exactly what should be sent to your email list. Although there are different ways to share interesting content; but we suggest you to do it through email marketing. An important thing that you should be sensitive about is the weekly review and analysis of the published posts on your social networks. Let your email subscribers know what they’ve been missing on social media over the weekend. The point here is that you should not put all the contents of your social network posts in the email. Your only task is to motivate the audience to enter your social networks and follow you.

The famous brand “Urban Outfitters” collects the posts that are liked by its Instagram audience and shares a report of these posts with its email subscribers. In this email, there is a button to buy Urban Outfitters that you can go to the purchase page from the image of your favorite product and buy it.

Start a heated debate through polls you take on social media.

Facebook and Instagram polls are great places to start the conversation. You can ask your followers an interesting and thought-provoking question on these social networks; then check the survey results in the form of an email. You can put a link to the poll on your social network at the end of the email and tell them to see the exact results and the opinions of other friends there. In this way, you lead your email audience to social activities and encourage them to follow your brand‘s social network.

Share images that users send you.

One of the best and most attractive aspects of social networks is the amount of images produced by users. You can collect these images and have them as customer satisfaction. People who like your brand can display your products and tag your brand name in their photos. Why not share this good news with your email subscribers?!

83% of the world’s people believe that social satisfaction with a product and service increases the probability of buying it. User-generated content shows that your brand is trustworthy and popular. On the other hand, it shows the originality of the work and useful communication with the audience.

Display testimonials on your social networks

The photos that users send you are just one type of proof of people’s satisfaction. Testimonials and reviews are actually a great way to show the benefits of your products and services. This will prevent you from over-advertising and boring the audience with your ads.

Collected users’ opinions on social networks in the form of an email with the title “Why do customers like our brand?” Send to your subscribers to get attention. In the text of this email, it is better to put the pictures sent by your customers and screenshots of their descriptions in comments or private messages.

Put your social feeds in your email.

Use your Instagram social feeds in your email to create a unique email marketing campaign. (Of course, make sure it’s in line with your email marketing strategy first. If that doesn’t work for your business, sharing a set of static social media posts will also work.)

When you include social feeds and up-to-date news about your store in your emails, subscribers who are less active on social networks can also learn about your store’s progress. This allows the customer to see all aspects of your brand.

Email your Instagram stories to your audience.

Instagram stories have become one of the best and most powerful advertising tools for various e-commerce brands. Every day, more than 500 million people share different stories of their lives on Instagram; More than 2 million business accounts use Instagram stories for advertising and content marketing.

With all these features, Instagram stories stay on your page for only 24 hours; so all your efforts will be wasted after one day. You can give new life to Instagram stories by sending them to email. This will allow your stories to be exposed to the audience for a longer time.

Publish your Instagram stories on YouTube or other video services; then you can share them in your email. The use of videos in e-mail is still not enough, but you can put a link at the end of the e-mail for the customer so that he can see your video with one click.

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