DALL-E is one of the most amazing recent technologies in the field of artificial intelligence. This technology was developed by OpenAI, which is one of the leading companies in the field of artificial intelligence and deep learning.

DALL-E is capable of generating completely new images based on the textual descriptions it receives as input. In other words, by giving DALL-E different textual descriptions, you can create entirely new, realistic images that have never existed before.

DALL-E is one of the achievements that show how far artificial intelligence has progressed and is increasingly influential in our lives. In this article, we want to know what DALL-E is and how it works.

What is DALL-E?

On April 6, 2022, OpenAI announced its new AI-based product: DALL-E.

A tool that receives a sentence or phrase as input and produces a high-quality image related to that sentence or phrase. Yes! DALL-E generates the images itself. That is, when you enter a phrase, it does not search among images on the Internet or anywhere else, but creates the image itself from scratch.

This is what makes working with DALL-E very interesting. Users can feed the tool any phrase, even the most irrelevant, and be surprised to see that DALL-E displays the best possible image. Of course, it is forbidden to use expressions that have immoral and violent meanings.

Other uses of DALL-E

DALL-E’s work does not end here. You can also use this tool to edit existing images.

Another use of DALL-E is to produce variations or different styles of an image.

So far it’s clear just how amazing DALL-E is. Next, we want to check how it works.

How does DALL-E work?

To convert text to image in DALL-E, systems, and models based on machine learning and deep learning are used. In general, how Dall-e works is a three-step process:

First stage

At this stage, the entered text or phrase is converted into a vector, which is called text embedding in specialized terms. The model used in this step is called CLIP, which is a product of the OpenAI Company.

What is CLIP?

CLIP or Contrastive Language Image Pre-training is a model based on neural network and natural language processing that displays the best text for an image. In other words, what CLIP does is the opposite of DALL-E. The purpose of CLIP is to correctly recognize the connection between text and image. To achieve this goal, CLIP has been trained with hundreds of millions of images and related text to recognize which text is more related to which image.

Second stage

The text vector produced in the previous step is the input of another neural network-based model called prior, which creates an image vector based on the text vector, which is called Image embedding.

The diffusion model is used in this step. The diffusion model works by receiving information such as an image. And gradually adds noise to it until it is no longer distinguishable. Then it tries to recreate that image. In other words, it destroys the image and rebuilds it. By doing this, the model gradually learns how to reconstruct the images.

Third level

Finally, the decoder produces the final image from this vector. The model used in this step is another product of OpenAI Company called GLIDE.

What is GLIDE?

The GLIDE model is a neural network-based method designed to generate high-quality images. This model is inspired by the networks used for image classification and can automatically generate high-quality images using machine learning. Finally, the image that DALL-E displays is an image that is fully related to the text and has a resolution of 1024 x 1024 pixels.

Introducing the DALL-E API

The easiest way to use DALL-E is to visit the Open-AI website. However, this company has also introduced an API for this. The tasks that can be done in this API are no different from the website and include:

  • convert text to image
  • image editing,
  • Making different styles and styles from the image.

In addition, the OpenAI Company has also introduced a Python library, which has made it possible to work with this tool in the Python programming language.

DALL-E Policy and Limitations

Working with DALL-E technology is very interesting and you can produce any kind of image with it, but OpenAI has announced that it prohibits harmful, violent, immoral, and illegal content. Also, to respect the rights of others, it is forbidden to use images of people without their consent.

Is DALL-E going to replace artists in the future?

This is a constant concern for those who have artificial intelligence in their field of work. Artists are no exception to this rule. We must acknowledge the fact that DALL-E has made it possible for everyone, from artists to non-artists, to create creative and unique images. It is natural for artists who create valuable works with the help of their imagination and art to feel a little threatened.

The truth is that artificial intelligence, no matter how powerful it is, is built with the power of human thinking and creativity. However, we must accept the fact that artificial intelligence is supposed to be our partner in all fields. So it is better to be friends with this new colleague than enemies.

If DALL-E has succeeded in converting text to image, it is because humans or artists have been able to train it well. As a result, the use of artificial intelligence instead of artists will not only not replace them, but we can boldly say that it will raise the level of creativity and innovation in illustration and art by several steps. It seems that this issue is not at all unpleasant for artists.

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