Communication is one of the most important principles of social life in the world. A concept that started from the beginning of human life on earth and is currently the most important.

In this article, we want to go to a job whose job is to facilitate communication. The relationship between humans and digital products that have created many innovative services for mankind and owe much of their success to the expertise of UX Writing.

What is UX Writing?

After the economy and digital products were formed, companies came to the conclusion that although their products and services were created to solve a problem in people’s lives, they would not be effective until the communication path between people and digital products was established. For example, if an application has a button for the next page or a banner to enter the landing page, many may not understand it.

This is where the importance of effective communication between the digital product and the user became clear. From that time until now, experience writing (UX writing) expertise has gained importance as a distinct expertise such as user interface (UI) or user experience (UX) design.

In fact, specialized experience writing is for better and more accurate communication with users. Communication that works, not that attracts or repels them.

The best analogy for this expertise is traffic signs. The driver will not enter the alley or street after seeing the no-entry sign (without thinking).

Or in digital products, by seeing the word “about us”, the user notices the existence of a text about the company that made the product, which he can read if he clicks on that phrase.

Who is a UX Writer?

The user’s use of digital products is practically the driving engine of all parts of a startup. The task of the experimenter is to compile the product manual and install the user guide signs. He writes sentences, buttons in applications or websites, small phrases and guides for different sections.

Sometimes it starts with one word, sometimes with a phrase or even a paragraph of explanation. It is the empiricist who determines where and what symbols and phrases to use for guidance.

What are the duties of an experienced writer?

As mentioned, the task of the experimenter is to guide the user for effective communication. He must be able to mentally map the user’s path and guess his needs. In this way, the defects of the product are identified for the ease of the user’s decision-making, and the experimenter installs his guide in a specific place.

A seasoned writer should be able to work with different teams. In fact, he is placed in the content team based on the type of thing he creates, but in terms of purpose, he does not have the task of marketing the product. The experience writer in the product development team, along with user interface or user experience designers, front-end programmers, etc., is busy creating a path for better user guidance and, in a word, product development.

What is the difference between experience writing and copy writing?

To explain the difference between these two specializations, we must first be familiar with the meaning and application of both specializations.

What is copywriting or advertising?

If you ask the elders, in the old days there were small shops that always smelled of fabric and paint. In this shop, a middle-aged man with painted hands and face was sitting on the floor and was writing a text on the cloth with a brush. He used to frame the sides of the cloth with fancy flower paintings and actually made shop placards. The old cloth writing is the new advertising writing with digital tools, without the color and smell of cloth.

An advertising writer’s job is to create a slogan and attract the audience by evoking emotions. Ironic sentences in newspapers, epic slogans on billboards or emotional expressions on Twitter and Instagram are created by the mind of the advertiser.

Using the skills of copywriters, companies encourage users to take action in order to achieve the company’s goals. Sometimes this goal is to buy, and sometimes to use services or get to know the brand’s personality.

Now that you are familiar with advertising writing, let’s get to the point.

The difference between experience writing and advertisement writing is in the purpose of content creation.

The advertiser writes sentences to encourage the user to make a purchase or take a specific action, such as clicking a button, or registering on a website. While the experience writer’s job is guidance and better communication with the user. Sometimes the user has to think to understand the meaning of the copywriter, but no user should even pause to understand the meaning of the experienced writer, let alone think.

What are the skills required for this job?

An experimentalist should be a master of his time in the true sense of the word. Someone who is familiar with a lot of phrases and makes a new word every moment. So, the first and most important skill required for this job is familiarity with the language and literature that the target community has. Below are some of the skills required for experience writing?

  • Ability to create new expressions
  • Very high vocabulary
  • Getting to know the basics of user interface design
  • Getting to know the basics of user experience design
  • The ability to know the user and understand the purpose of the product
  • Ability to create content strategy for product content integration
  • Ability to interact with technical and product design teams
  • Familiar with the basics of advertising or copywriting
  • Mastering the principles and basics of text editing and writing


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