You have a small florist. Your business is successful and you want to grow it. Make it bigger. Someone suggests to you: “Why a bigger store? Come and design a website, sell roses online. You can also easily advertise on Instagram. Order registration and everything goes online.”
It is a good offer. Today and the future is for online businesses. We live in a world where we shop through websites, pay bills, enroll in college, pay taxes and create an online resume, talk about our professional experiences and read the experiences of others (Linkedin) and much more.
Of course, it is normal for us to be able to do all this with one website. What was not normal 15 years ago was that there were no such websites at all. Because it was not possible to design store websites. The Internet began with another type of web page and website: static web pages.
It took a long time for another type of website to be born. Websites that can be used with everything: Dynamic site. What exactly are these two types of sites and what are they not? What are the differences? What are their functions? Which type is suitable for what?
This article aims to introduce you to Static and Dynamic sites and answer questions about these two types of sites. Of course, first we need to talk a little bit about what a website is and what its past is.
Differences between static and dynamic website
What is a website? There are several possible answers to this question. One of the best and most comprehensive answers to this question is to say, “A website is software that is installed on an Internet server and made available to the user through a domain.” So websites have software (a set of codes that have a specific function), domain (name and address specific to each site) and host (server).
In the beginning, they built sites with HTML. html is the markup language for displaying the information with which the overall structure of the site is built. HTML was not enough and CSS (html supplement) was created to style web design and design pages. With these two, you can write very basic and simple sites. Sites with brochure-like pages that can only be used to enter information. This is exactly what static sites and pages are: brochure-like sites.
The static site can be processed by browsers. That is, you do not necessarily need a database (server). Just the opposite of dynamic sites (sites like Amazon). Sites where you can place an order, pay, create an account, write a comment, and so on. In addition to what the user sees (front-end or client-side), these sites also have a server or side-side.
What is a database?
Every dynamic website needs a database. A database is a collection of data (structured or unstructured) that is stored on a server. Dynamic site information, unlike a static site, is not stored in code and files, but in a database. For this reason, a dynamic site also requires server-side programming languages (such as PHP).